Showing posts with label work changes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work changes. Show all posts

Jun 13, 2019

Lightning speed

"(...) when workers in dirty sectors are offered good jobs in clean sectors (...), and are enlisted as active participants in a green transition, then progress can happen at lightning speed." Naomi Klein, 2015. This Changes Everything. Penguin books. Image by Monica Pinheiro, license CC BY-NC-SA (CC)

Jan 20, 2009

ICT changing the meaning of being «at work»

"Nomadic use of ICT will challenge the meaning of ‘at work’ Nomadicity will make work patterns less fixed in time and space. This will create major challenges for both employers and employees. Making working life and education more sustainable in terms of working and studying from home intensifies the need for realising the nomadicity that ICT can provide."

Feb 21, 2008

downsizing & (in)communication at work

«We pay special attention to the structural capability of each IPN in the context of corporate downsizing, because downsizing is a common phenomenon in contemporary organizations that dynamically reconfigures the means by which people process information both within and across firm boundaries. Moreover, emphasis is placed on the specific contexts in which workforce reduction leads to concomitant increases in information processing and communication responsibilities for those remaining (i.e., “survivors”), and may thus produce adverse effects such as work overload and “burnout.”» (p.202) 
«(...) one underlying presumption shared by these various conceptual approaches is that organizations are information-processing entities whose survival and longevity largely depend upon how efficiently and effectively they handle information within and across firm boundaries» (p.204)

in Kwon, D.; Oh, W. & Jeon, S. (2007). Broken Ties: The Impact of Organizational Restructuring on the Stability of Information-Processing Networks. Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 24(1).

Jul 27, 2007

Equiparação a Bolseira

Através de email dos RH do INETI, tomei hoje conhecimento que o meu pedido de equiparada a bolseira, sem vencimento [que tinha dado entrada em Dezembro de 2006], foi autorizado pela tutela [Ministério da Economia e da Inovação] a 19 de Julho de 2007. Aguardo publicação na 2ª série do Diário da República.

Periodo de equiparada a bolseira, sem vencimento: 01.Jul.2007 a 30.Jun.2010