Jan 19, 2025


in english: "a steady and intentional look at something or someone, often for a long time, typically indicating interest, admiration, or contemplation. It can also imply a psychological relationship of power between the observer and the observed". by DuckDuckGo 

in portuguese "a light, thin and transparent cotton or silk fabric, very porous, sterile (or sterilizable), of varying elasticity, thickness, shape, reticulation and size, depending on the use for which it is intended. It is usually used in dressings and surgical interventions, and may be impregnated with medications such as antiseptics." by Wikipedia

Photo of tapestry (80 x 80, belonging to «404 Humanity not found» serie) by Monica Pinheiro CC BY-NC-SA (CC). January 19, 2025.

Jan 15, 2025


“(…) my story bleeds through from my cover into the real world, a message from a parallel universe revealed through graphic design and visual creativity. My cover is the shadow on Plato’s cave wall, a hint of the truth and imagination hidden within. When you look at me, I am designed to make you want to open the lid and let my stories escape through your gaze, diving through your eyes into your mind, where they can live and breed anew. I’m only a book. Hold me.” Robert Klanten, Mathias Hubnel and Andrew Losowsky (2013). Fully Booked. Photo of tapestry on the making (belonging to «404 Humanity not found» serie), by Monica Pinheiro CC BY-NC-SA (CC). January, 2025.

Jan 10, 2025


“The courage not to be vanquished by anxiety, not to hurt others out of frustration, not to grow to furious with the world for the perceived injuries it heedlessly inflicts, not to go crazy and somehow to manage to persevere in a more or less adequate way through the difficulties (…), this is true courage, this is a heroism in a class all of its own.” Alain de Botton (2017). The Course of Love. Fotografia de Monica Pinheiro CC BY-NC-SA (CC), janeiro de 2025.

Jan 3, 2025



"Vertigo is from the bottom up. Vertigo has always been defined as a disturbance felt in front of an abyss or at a high point in relation to the space between us and the ground. Reversing the direction of this axis by designating the vertigo that can be felt when looking upwards is equivalent to shifting the focus of this disturbance from the drop, the earth, and the materiality to the rise, the sky, and spirituality."

Placa colocada junto das fotografias da exposição do artista Fernando Lemos, no Espaço Engawa, do Centro de Arte Moderna da Gulbenkian. Fotografia de Monica Pinheiro CC BY-NC-SA (CC), 30 de dezembro de 2024.