Showing posts with label affordances. Show all posts
Showing posts with label affordances. Show all posts

Apr 28, 2024

creation at the core of art-I-fact

The beginning of a new tapestry starts long before I lay out the threads on the frame. Each tapestry starts as a synapse that survived in my brain. With time it weaves together with other synapses, creating a visual memory that grows and evolves, reinforcing some features and letting go others. This visual memory mixes with previous experiences, narratives of people, new and old books, and life’s events at the gestating stage. Then, the image of possibilities for the next work meets with the material affordances of all the resources collected. Materiality that will give substance to daydream explorations, until the dialogue between mind, hands, vision, and materials becomes irresistible and the fragrances fill the room with the materialization of a new art-I-fact. From stillness to flow. Hatched from a resilient synapse that joined with others. Creation at the core. Flourishing by coming into being. 

Photo of tapestry (83  x 78 cm) by Monica Pinheiro CC BY-NC-SA (CC) 2024.

Jun 15, 2012

plain paper artefact

Scrapings by a participant to register important temporary information as an auxiliary to perform a future task. Different types of registered information include: words, numbers, drawings, ideas, standards, to-buy-list and instruction details and measures for performing the future task.
Junho2011 001
Registering in plain paper artefact, June 2011