Nov 18, 2006


PIM Community In ACM:
"Personal Information Management (PIM) is the management of information (e.g. files, emails, and bookmarks) by an individual in support of his/her roles and tasks. Although PIM is practiced daily by millions of people, a research community has never been established. This SIG aims to provide an opportunity for researchers, students and designers who share an interest in the field to meet and discuss key issues. We hope the SIG will lay the foundation for an ongoing PIM research community."

Oct 31, 2006

Photographs for documenting fieldwork (ethnography)

As i will need to uncover individual and group information spaces and information needs in mobility settings, I've started taking photos of meetings taking place in work settings, outside the organizations. Due to ethics on need of preserve individual identity, collected picture do not depict human subjects but concentrate on objects of information used during meetings (archives in my flickr account classified by date taken, settings, project acronym and place, among other key words that can be added later on during data analysis).

Supporting views for this method:
Kanstrup, Anne Marie (2002, May). Picture the Practice—Using Photography to Explore Use of Technology Within Teachers' Work Practices [32 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal], 3(2). 

Aug 24, 2006


"ScienceBlogs is very much an experiment in science communication, and being first also means being first to encounter unforeseen obstacles. We are learning as we go (and as goes the blogosphere) and appreciate your understanding and patience.

ScienceBlogs was created by Seed Media Group. Our mission is to change the way the world sees science -- from a separate island on the periphery of culture to the central driver of our times."

Apr 11, 2006


ShadowsSandWaterStone (6)
Image by Monica Pinheiro, license CC BY-NC-SA (CC)

Oct 1, 2004

This is it!

Vou estar ausente para fazer a revisão do texto final. As únicas ligações que vou manter são com a natureza, com as anotações existentes no texto e com o computador (sem acesso à rede ;-) Voltarei com uma sensação que (ainda) desconheço, pronta para fazer a impressão dos 7(?) exemplares e entregar a parte visivel de todo o processo que ocorreu ao longo destes dois últimos anos. Depois será o normal período de espera até que possa defender (soa a tribunal :-) o que entreguei. A seu tempo... Image by Monica Pinheiro, license CC BY-NC-SA (CC)

Jul 19, 2004

Blogoespaço ficou mais vazio :-(

Quando li a mensagem, não pensei que fosse verdade aquela coisa do «éter»... Tinha a ilusão que a Colónia voltaria a renascer... mesmo que noutro continente... Tenho saudades de uma conversa e de um livro que ainda não li... bem sei, "só aquele que está disposto a partir, e parte, se furta da paralesia dos hábitos" (H.Hesse)

Oct 28, 2003

Directory of open access journals

Directory of open access journals: "Directory of Open Access Journals. This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. We aim to cover all subjects and languages." Na altura em que consultei tinha 551 revistas (Journals) num direct�rio organizado em 15 grandes categorias. Mais um grande recurso em tempos de crise (acho que me estou a tornar adepta do Open Source extensivo).