Mar 24, 2022



"The cunning of uncertainty suspends routine. (…) It prepares one for surprises that come with increasing order of complexity in which non-linear dynamics reign." It "sends one back to consider context, the framing that holds but also constraints." Helga Nowotony (2016). The Cunning of Uncertainty. 

Photo os tapestry (78 x 98 cm) by Monica Pinheiro, license CC BY-NC-SA ( CC ).

Mar 22, 2022


"If the past has any significance for the present, here is a strong reminder that technology alone is never sufficient to garantee the future. What once served well under past environmental conditions may come to an abrupt end." Helga Nowotony (2016). The Cunning of Uncertainty. Image by Monica Pinheiro, license CC BY-NC-SA ( CC ).

Mar 20, 2022


"Creativity, while it needs certain conditions to flourish, refuses to become subject to prediction. The creative process moves from disorder towards some kind of order which may include the order of random patterns. But it does not know in advance which order will emerge." Helga Nowotony (2016). The Cunning of Uncertainty. Painting by Menez (Maria Inês Ribeiro da Fonseca).

Mar 12, 2022



"Turning points in a life that seemed set on a predictable path suddendly emerge. (...) a reality check sets in. Once past certainties have collapsed, one begins to look at the world with different eyes. Emotions change. (...) The cunning of uncertainty lets in the unexpected. It makes room for the new, even if the new is often made from clever and unexpected recombinations of already existing elements. Poised on the threshold between the present and the unknowable future, it invites us to join the dance." Helga Nowotony (2016). The Cunning of Uncertainty. Image by Monica Pinheiro, license CC BY-NC-SA ( CC ).


Call it what you will - futures, utopias, dreams - but remeber they "are imperfect, they are imaginative, they are joyful and wild, they are shamelessly emotive, and they are growing up through the cracks in extractivist capitalism." So today, like Malaika Cunningham, I invite you "to look for the roses around you. Those things which bring you pleasure, meaning and peace for no discernible reason other than they are beautiful and, for this, they make your world better." in Bread & Roses. Image of organic city garden, taken March 1, 2022, by Monica Pinheiro, license CC BY-NC-SA ( CC ).