The Mobile Working Experience: Perspectives from Europe (2005) from IBM Business Consulting Services [a podcast from February 2006, is also available here]:
"The subject of mobile working has been studied by a number of academics and trade associations over the last few years. As the prevalence of individuals spending the majority of their work time in their homes or other non-office locations continues to rise, companies are becoming increasingly interested in the issues and effective practices associated with making these arrangements successful. While a significant amount of research has been done regarding the numbers of individuals who work remotely, the productivity savings associated with reductions in commuting time, office space, etc., only a small body of research has addressed the challenges facing individuals who work in mobile locations. These include issues around social isolation, technical support, performance management, career development, team effectiveness, employee retention, and work-life balance. This study, done in cooperation with the Economist Information Unit, surveyed over 350 mobile workers from 29 countries across Europe to better understand their perspectives and experiences."